Falling – Allison Grayhurst

But one belief, one knowing
that absorbs every desire into
its invisible womb. And simple
like a good taste on the tongue.
And perfect as heaven in the eyes.
But one brave surrender, to open
every book and turn on all the lights.
One mind graced with trusting,
sure of the warmth surrounding and of
tenderness in every destroyed hope.
And more real than the corners of a table
or the crisp red of a rose.
More real than the shingles on rooftops
or the touch of a spider’s web.
But the one thing unalterable, stronger
than death, than change, than the broken heart.
But one thing to give up all else,
where disappointments, fantasies and greed
melt like candyfloss in the mouth,
and Time is the gift given to learn
the infinite dimensions of love.

©2013 All rights belong with the Author.


Filed under General Poetry

7 responses to “Falling – Allison Grayhurst

  1. Bruce Ruston

    This is the another fine poem by Allison Grayhurst, I hope you have been enjoying her poetry as much as I have. You can read more of her work here http://allisongrayhurst.com/

  2. mj

    Finely crafted poem by a talented poet! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Pingback: Falling | Allison Grayhurst